Alexis Glick Blog
Latest news & announcements from Alexis Glick and her team.

Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

A New Year and The Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador Draft

Posted by Alexis
Tuesday January 8, 2013
Categories: Family, Fun, GENYOUth

Before the end of the year, I wrote a post reflecting on GENYOUth’s exciting, at times exhausting, but always fulfilling 2012 year of action. In the post, I mentioned one of Fuel Up to Play 60′s tireless Student Ambassadors, Kylie Kasprick, who has agreed to keep us updated with the progress she’s been making in her school and community since she attended GENYOUth’s inaugural Nutrition + Physical Activity Learning Connection Summit in September.

Kylie blew through her goals to do everything from interview the Vikings’ Head Coach to starting a Wellness Team at her school that encourages her peers and adults to consistently make healthier choices. She also had a game plan for the holidays to ensure her success.

With Kylie’s brilliant thoughts on our minds, myself and the GENYOUth team took a bit of time over the holidays to decompress and indulge in moderation. My family and I headed to Disney World in Orlando, where my baby girl, Jade, had her first official run-in with Mickey Mouse and together we all conquered our share of long lines and loop-de-loops.


Wiped out after a full day at Disney World

Slate as Captain Jack Sparrow

So now here we are, on January 8th, 2013, just one week into a brand new year. It’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that I have a lot on my mind. Too much! Perhaps one of the many reasons I feel the urgency to keep a fast pace right out of the gate is because of kids like Kylie who never stop dreaming, planning and taking action. I would bet that Kylie spent her time off inspiring the people in her life. Another Student Ambassador, Bobby Sena, probably the most active Facebook community member that GENYOUth is lucky enough to interact with, counts learning a new sport and mastering his current endeavors among the New Year’s resolutions he’s sure to make good on.

For me, Fuel Up to Play 60′s Student Ambassadors are a constant reminder of how much kids are capable of when you give them a platform to share their ideas and the access and resources to bring those ideas to life. Effective this month, the Fuel Up to Play 60 team has officially kicked off the Student Ambassador Draft to bring even more kids with varying talents and ideas into the growing group that is leading health and wellness efforts at their schools, working hand-in-hand with their teachers and Program Advisors (hashtag #SADraft). Part of the push to bring in students includes learning from current Student Ambassadors about why they decided to take on a bigger role in the program and how it’s changed their lives for the better.

Kids have so much to teach us through their bold honesty and a sense of wonder for life’s surprises, which seem to come around less often when you’re an adult. We should always be watching and learning from them, and we absolutely MUST be creating more opportunities like Fuel Up to Play 60′s Student Ambassador Program for kids to lead and show us their mettle.

My New Year’s resolutions have a lot to do with my four fabulous kids, who never cease to tell me what they think. I can’t tell you how much I value that honesty. It keeps me in check and with all of the ideas in my head, keeps me focused on the main reason GENYOUth opened our doors almost two years ago: to serve our most important customer, kids, and provide resources and funding to schools.

I’ll be getting back into the gym, and more specifically, back to the spin class I love. It takes a lot of work starting at 5am every weekend day to take my boys to hockey and soccer practice and games across the tri-state. It’s a labor of love and I need to do my best every day to practice what I preach with my own children and other children by making sure I find the time for my own health and wellness. My mind flourishes when I’m active. I need to get those creative juices flowing again by making physical activity a priority in my day-to-day life.

If you want to see what GENYOUth is up to in the new year, please keep following us on our website, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest (where I’ll be sharing my upcoming year in pictures soon). Got New Year’s resolutions that you think could help GENYOUth learn and grow? Tweet @genyouthnow, hashtag #30/90, post on our Facebook wall, or enter your ideas in GENYOUth’s Idea Bank.

It starts with YOU, ME and all of us! Happy New Year and thank you for making a difference! Alexis

It’s That Time of Year!

Posted by Alexis
Thursday September 13, 2012
Categories: Family, GENYOUth, Opinion

The past couple of weeks have felt like a roller coaster ride. We moved back to the city after a brief stint at the beach. Our three boys started school. Our hot water heater broke. Our babysitter developed a terrible case of food poisoning. Jade thankfully spent the past week in a BabyBjorn nestled in for conference calls, iPhone texts and Blackberry emails. She’s a CEO in training!

Oh and let us not forget that travel soccer started for our 8 year old Kyle. For Logan (10) and Slate (5), hockey started, too.

Do you remember those Calgon commercials with the mother in the tub saying, “Take Me Away!”? I think about that every time my heads feels like it is going to explode. I’m not sure if my husband and I were in the same town last weekend. I suspect this weekend will be no different.

Nonetheless, even in the midst of chaos, we are super proud of our boys. Logan is now in middle school. He’s officially no longer my little boy. Moving from class to class studying on an iPad for a new school program. In my next life!

Kyle is now in 3rd grade and as handsome as ever. His smile melts my heart. He started playing travel soccer for the first time. He loves it and I couldn’t be happier to see him so excited! He had four days of soccer in the past five days. I used to play too, but I forgot how bloody hot it is on the fields at the start of the season.

Slate, my little angel and my baby, started Kindergarten this week. He had the perfect first day. The only time he cried was when he had to go to lunch. Apparently he didn’t like the lunch food. Little does he know :). He’s grown up and yet he’ll always be my little boy. He is so smart. Asks the best questions and forgives me for being a crazed mom. He would love mom to toss the Blackberry but I remind him daily that mommy needs to work.

Speaking of work, did you know that September is Childhood Obesity Awareness month? It comes at the most hectic and important time of year. A reminder to all of us moms, dads and caregivers to make sure our children are getting the nourishment they need and at least sixty minutes a day of physical activity to keep their little minds flourishing.

It is this Learning Connection that we are focusing on this month at GENYOUth. Did you know that children who are physically active and properly nourished are better academic performers, behave better, attend school more frequently and are less susceptible to bullying? Scientists, nutritionists, fitness experts and educators have been studying this Learning Connection for decades.

Next week my team is hosting the Nutrition + Physical Activity Learning Connection Summit in Washington D.C., alongside some of the most preeminent leaders in health, science, nutrition, education, government and corporate America. The purpose of this Summit is to draw attention to this Learning Connection and build awareness among school administrators and leaders in both the public and private sectors. It is also meant to be a forum of sorts, for all of those folks in the room and outside to identify ways in which we could develop solutions to the childhood obesity epidemic by giving back, generating awareness, volunteering or creating new solutions to get our kids healthy over the next 30 to 90 days and beyond.

I know some folks will read this and say it is not the government’s job or my job to tell you how to raise your kids, what they should eat or how often they should be physically active. As a mother I understand that better than anyone. I wouldn’t want someone else to tell me how to raise my kids. I’m not suggesting our kids only eat carrots or become neurotic about their weight. Heaven knows I can barely get my kids to even taste a carrot!

My concern is that too many of our nation’s schools are cutting back due to fiscal constraints at the local and state levels. The first place those cuts are being made is in our kids’ time for recess or physical education, and if it’s not impacting physical activity programs, it’s impacting our cafeterias, our vending machines and our snack time.



Did you know that some children in this country eat lunch at 10:30am, while others eat at 2pm? Do you know how much time your kid has to get through the lunch line? Do you know how many days a week your kid goes to recess? Has gym class? These are the questions I am now asking my children and encouraging other parents to ask as well.

At GENYOUth, we encourage and empower youth to make their own decisions by equipping them with the resources they need to understand what foods are healthy for their bodies and why. We’re also helping them understand why being physically active helps them learn, play, imagine, dream and make new friends.

For many of us parents, sports, music, and other team activities we participated in as kids at school taught us valuable lessons that we continue to apply as adults today. We developed life habits as a result of those experiences. I don’t know about you, but when I run, take a spin class or get on an exercise machine for an hour, my mind races. I always come up with my best ideas when I’m physically active. I can feel my brain exercising. It’s an incredible feeling. Don’t our kids deserve to feel that every day?

As you make your way through this very busy September, please join me in this movement. Our children are and can be the best advocates for change, but they need our help. Let’s demonstrate to them how little changes can make a difference of a lifetime.

If you would like to learn more about our Summit next week, please click here.

Please join us on Twitter @GENYOUthNow and like us on Facebook!

I’m Back!

Posted by Alexis
Tuesday August 28, 2012
Categories: Family, Fun

For the better part of the past year I have been fairly private; hidden from the public eye. I had this website built a little over a year ago with the hopes that I’d get back to writing on a regular basis. Well, here I am. I’m back and anxious to share some news with you!

For those of you who do not know what I’ve been up to since I left Fox, let me briefly fill you in. I am the CEO of a not-for-profit in the childhood obesity space called the GENYOUth Foundation. Our mission is to create a movement that inspires youth to change their behavior. Our flagship program, Fuel Up to Play 60, a partnership between the National Football League and the National Dairy Council, encourages and empowers kids in over 70,000 schools across the country to eat nutrient-rich foods and to be physically active for 60 minutes a day. It is the largest in-school nutrition and physical activity program in the country.

As CEO, I am responsible for raising awareness about the childhood obesity epidemic and the dire need to get kids moving and eating healthy, and for building solutions to the epidemic through programs, education, tools, resources and partnerships that help remove the barriers to a healthier environment for our children in schools and local communities. It has both been one of the most gratifying roles I’ve ever had and the most daunting. The statistics are terrifying and the time to do something about it is slipping away daily. Each year more and more of our children face life threatening and chronic conditions that could be reversed if we only helped them and empowered them to make educated decisions. I hope you will allow me to share why we must act now as you read this blog in the future.

Now let me share why I have been so private over the past year. Jade Declan Glick was born on May 17th at 6 pounds 13 ounces. She is a beautiful, little angel. She has been one of our greatest blessings and most wonderful surprises. A little over a year and a half ago, my husband had a very rare spinal condition which required spinal surgery. He was in such terrible shape for so many months that we were told we were not likely to ever have kids again. With three beautiful, healthy boys: Logan (10), Kyle (8) and Slate (5) we didn’t think twice about it. Another child was not in the cards and we were fine with that.

Late last October we discovered we were pregnant. We couldn’t believe it. We didn’t think it was possible. We knew it was a blessing and when Jade arrived on the morning of the 17th, we knew why. Our family is now complete.

In addition to having a new baby this past year, we moved to a new home, Logan graduated from lower school, and I turned 40. It’s been quite a year. With a little over a week to go before school starts we’re enjoying our last summer days together before our youngest boy Slate goes off to kindergarten. How time flies!

The new house has been a joy and a blessing too but it certainly took some time getting used to. As a born and raised New York City child I’ve never lived anywhere outside the city. In fact, I’ve lived in an apartment my entire life. To live in a home where we have a basement for the boys to play is quite the treat. I’m getting used to the stairs, the commute and the silence. The biggest adjustment is the lack of restaurants and food delivery. I used to know by heart the phone numbers of every takeout restaurant. How the times have changed!

I call the house BBB’s house. When Logan was little he used to love a television show created by Disney called, “The Bear in the Big Blue House.” We literally bought the Bear in the Big Blue House’s house. Our first Christmas this past December was everything I dreamt it would be as a child. A home filled with lots of noise, laughter, chaos and love. A day doesn’t go by that we don’t pinch ourselves and count our blessings.

Watching Logan graduate from lower to middle school this past June was a moment we’ll never forget. As the oldest, he has led the way and tested every boundary possible turning into a little gentleman. At 10, he looks and acts like a 14 year old, and has matured into someone I’m proud to say I’d want to be friends with. He has grown up so quickly and so wisely. He’s become a serious ice hockey player, playing on a travel team four days a week during the school year. It’s a huge commitment but we’ve all grown to love it and the friendships we have developed as a result of it have been a wonderful surprise.

Kyle is about to begin 3rd grade and play on his first travel soccer team. He’s so excited. So are we. He’s a terrific athlete and such a handsome, loving boy. Thankfully we don’t need to discuss girls just yet. I’m afraid :)!

As Slate gets ready for kindergarten, my heart skips a beat. He’s been my baby for so long. The thought of him running off to school with a backpack in hand has me a bit teary eyed but I knew this day would come. He is our little lover. When Oren, my husband, walked out of the delivery room to announce to our family that we had a girl, he wrapped his arms around my husband’s leg and cried tears of joy.

Turning 40 was a lot less stressful than I thought. Several weeks before my birthday, I stole one of my only moments of silence this summer and took a bike ride along the beach. As I listened to some great tunes, I thought about where my life is at 40. As I told my husband when I got back to the house, I’m exactly where I want to be and if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m in love, fulfilled, and passionate about my family, my four beautiful children, the chaos that comes with it and my career choices. I have so much to be thankful for.

Speaking of career choices, the media, as many of you know, is still near and dear to my heart. People ask if I miss it. I do. Especially during conventions, elections and when the economy is front and center. I have always tried to put my political science degree and my economist / Wall Street background to good use. Thankfully I am still able to do both. I do speaking engagements, host and moderate panels for corporations, trade associations, conferences and counsel private leaders and their companies. And, when the timing is right, I get back on the tube to share my reaction or point of view on a story.

A little over a month ago, I was fortunate enough to get a call from the Editor of Forbes who asked if I’d be interested in doing a story. Without hesitation, I said yes. It was time to get back in the saddle again. So I hopped on a plane to Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, to interview the President, Dilma Rousseff, one of the world’s and Forbes’ Most Powerful Women.

I had never been to Brazil and like every great story, the story behind the story was as exciting and titillating as the story itself. In a 40 hour trip I traveled through five airports stopping in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Sao Paolo, interviewing not only President Rousseff at the Presidential offices, but local entrepreneurs who seem to be springing up in every corner of Brazil. Brazil’s emergence as a world leader and growing economy is a fascinating story, but Dilma Rousseff’s personal story is even more jaw-dropping.

When I first met her, I was taken by how striking she was. In typical Brazilian tradition, she greeted me with kisses on each cheek – a very welcoming response from a woman as powerful as the President. I wasn’t sure what to expect after reading about her. She’s been called “the Iron Lady.” In some circles, it’s meant to be a jab against the President. In others, it’s a compliment. I found her to be lovely, engaging, exceptionally intelligent, and powerful – very powerful.

After having interviewed or been interviewed by some of the most powerful women in the world including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice, Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman, designer Diane von Furstenberg, the ladies of “The View,” Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, FDIC Chair Sheila Bair among many, many others, I have discovered very similar traits in these women. They don’t take no for an answer. They are unbelievably passionate, headstrong, intelligent and committed – women many of us aspire to be. Only in Dilma Rousseff’s case, what impressed me most as she spoke to me in Portuguese in her Presidential office, was her humor, her laughter, her love of opera, reading and movies, and her acknowledgment that she is quite proud of what she has accomplished. Too many times I’ve interviewed or worked with powerful women who are never satisfied. President Rousseff was more than satisfied and clearly had made time to reflect on her meteoric rise. Don’t mistake me, she has a tough job ahead, but she is the kind of woman I’d like my daughter Jade to learn from when she grows up and asks, “Mommy, can I be President one day?”

Of course, I couldn’t take the trip without promising to bring home Brazilian soccer jerseys for my boys!

The Forbes Most Powerful Women issue is on newsstands now. Please grab a copy. My story on Dilma Rousseff is the cover story for the issue. Here it is. Enjoy it!

So I guess you could say I’m back. My blogs won’t be this long as we move forward. I look forward to sharing a little bit of me, my family and my work here. I hope you will come back and laugh a little with me.

“Love what you do and do what you love.”



My Super Bowl Weekend Experience

Posted by Alexis
Friday February 24, 2012
Categories: Family, Fun, GENYOUth, Sports

This post was originally published on

Sports, and football in particular, have a way of dividing the spirited Glick family, but the Super Bowl brought sports fan peace to our household.  I am a Giants fan.  My husband Oren and our three boys; Logan (10), Kyle (8), and Slate (5), aka “the Boss”, all favor the Jets.

GENYOUth CEO Alexis Glikc & family with New York Jets QB Mark Sanchez

But for the love of the game, and New York, we rallied together to cheer for Eli Manning and his band of mighty G-Men.  As most everyone knows, the Giants brought home a Super Bowl victory, and along with it, glory to all team fans.  What a game!  I consider myself lucky have been there.

But did you also know that there was some pretty exciting stuff going on outside the walls of Lucas Oil Stadium that gave us fans the chance to get in the game, and test our skills in a flurry of interactive activities?  For me, it was just as cool to be at the (conference center name for NFLX), and in the thick of the action at the NFL Experience.  GENYOUth Foundation celebrated a year up and running with the team from our flagship program, Fuel Up to Play 60, and many of our partners like Microsoft Kinect.

It’s pretty hard to imagine, but kids outmatched the professional athletes in some of the activities. Here’s a shot of Dwight Freeney, defensive end for the Indianapolis Colts getting taken down by a kid-launched ball. Both Dwight and San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith worked up a sweat along with the kids (and even a few GENYOUth team members).

Many of my highlights from Super Bowl XLVI are best expressed in the pictures below.  We’d love to hear your personal stories from the Super Bowl.  Do you pose like Tim Tebow when there’s a touchdown, or carry out traditions that bring your family and friends together, breaking out the well-worn jerseys and cheering in concert?  I believe the energy and enthusiasm of the community makes a big day like the Super Bowl, the events leading up to it, and really any major sporting event, the best it can be.

Sports time is family time for the Glicks, and being the CEO of GENYOUth means I get to combine so many of the things I’m passionate about as a mom and the head of a foundation to fight childhood obesity.  What a way to wrap the year and kick off a new one.

GENYOUth Board of Directors member Howie Long meets with Fuel Up To Play 60 students at NFL X.


Fuel Up To Play 60 students sample chocolate milk at NFL X.


Here I am with my husband Oren on the way to Super Bowl XLVI


The Giants get ready for one of their final plays of the game!

GENYOUth Foundation at the Fitness Mind Body & Spirit Games – What a day!

Posted by Alexis
Wednesday October 5, 2011
Categories: Family, Fun, GENYOUth

We’ve had a busy few weeks here at GENYOUth! For those of you who follow me on Facebook (link to fan page?) and Twitter (link?), you know that the GENYOUth Foundation took part in an amazing event on Saturday, September 17th, called the Fitness Magazine Mind Body & Spirit Games in Central Park. It was a great event for the GENYOUth team, our corporate partners, and my entire family!

The GENYOUth experience tents had great giveaways and info from GENYOUth, and our corporate partners – The Quaker Oats Company, Discovery Education, Kraft Foods, and LALA Foods – as well as the chance to try out Microsoft Xbox’s new Kinect games.We were also visited by the Jump Rope Queen and NFL greats Marty Lyons, Sean Landeta, and Amani Toomer – it was great to hear their tips on exercising and eating right in order to stay healthy.



The day also featured men’s and women’s 4 mile races sponsored by New York Road Runners. We had a great time cheering on all of the racers, but the most run races of the day had to be the GENYOUth-sponsored kids’ races, which began at 11 a.m. and featured races for kids ages 2-12. My 3 sons participated in the races, and Logan, my oldest, even won his race! Check out the video below – that’s Logan crossing the finish line first, and his younger brother, Kyle, isn’t too far behind!

The Mind Body & Spirit Games was a great day for both GENYOUth and our corporate partners, families, and friends. We also officially launched our website on Saturday. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to visit our website (link), take the pledge, and exercise your influence with us. Remember, it starts with you!